Monday 30 May 2011

Who's who in the San Diego Zoo!

Day 4 - We hired a car and... The manager messed up our booking, so they upgraded us to a full size Dodge Charger HELLO! It looks like a James Bond car YEEOOOWWW!

We hired a GPS with the car, we named her Shazza and she is our new best friend! Tim's introduction to the roads of America was on a 6 LANE HIGHWAY in the city of Los Angeles! Talk about back seat driving, he kept veering off into the other lane! I kept saying "Tim, you’re veering, Tim look out, and Tim don't look at the coast line just keep your eyes on the road!"
Lucky enough we completed the 2 hour journey and arrived safely in San Diego! 

About 4 months ago a friend of ours moved to El Cajon (pronounced El Ca"h"on - learnt that the hard way - can anyone say WHITE GIRL!) for 12 months to get his pilot’s license. So we picked him up, grabbed a spot of lunch and drove to the San Diego zoo! As this weekend was the American Memorial day long weekend, the drive to the zoo was crazy busy and finding a car park was a nightmare! We parked illegally and decided to use our "We're Australian tourists" get out of jail free card - lucky we didn't need it!

The zoo was fantastic and was everything we wanted it to be! Tim, Matt and I cracked up laughing when they drove us through the "Outback" section of the zoo... the look of shock on the face of American children when Tim said very loudly "Kangaroo's? Ehh... they're a pest and we eat them" HAHAHA!

Thanks for the day trip Matty boy!!!!

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