Wednesday 1 June 2011

Just because we "Rock" doesn't mean we are made of stone... or are we?!

Day 7 - What an action packed day today! We left our hotel at about 9am to walk from Fisherman's Wharf to Union Square to catch our double Decker bus that would take us across the Golden Gate Bridge to a lookout point just South of San Francisco - when we left our hotel room it was pouring with rain (thank goodness for the $8 umbrella's!) and we had to undertake a 45 minute journey - which (if you are familiar with SFO) is not an easy journey as the sidewalks are steep as, you are practically climbing the street on all fours they are so steep! So it's pouring with rain, we are holding our umbrella in one hand, camera and map in the other! Talk about feeling the burn! To add to it, we finally made it to Union Square by 10am to be told that the Golden Gate Bridge tour was not operating until later in the day, you can imagine our frustration! At least we got to experience some of the back streets of SFO - the glass is half full right?! (Full of rain water that's for sure!) So soaking wet and a little cold, we decided to get on board the downtown tour bus and ride into Fisherman's Wharf to have some breakfast and then make our way over to Pier 33 to board the ferry to Alcatraz Island!

We walked around the Wharf for a little while, and bought some socks as mine were SOAKED from the rain! I can say it was freezing down by the coast! Thank goodness at the last minute I decided to pack some warm jackets and scarfs because SFO is really cold!

We made our way down to the Alcatraz ferry loading dock and boarded the ferry to the island they call "The Rock". Alcatraz Island was originally a large rock with no vegetation that was initially used in the 1800's as an army fortress and military prison. People shipped soil from Angel Island (approx 5 miles away) to "The Rock" and planted tree's and vegetation (interesting fact!) In the 1930's Alcatraz was handed over to the American Dept of Justice and became one of America's most infamous federal penitentiaries housing some of the most dangerous and notorious criminals including Al Capone!
The history of this place was just incredible, getting off the boat and walking the 13 story incline to the cell house gives you a sense of isolation and eeriness, just a snippet of what some the prisoners would have experienced on their way to "isolation hell". The whole tour is on Mp3, and they provide you with headphones and a mobile MP3 player and you walk through the prison which was great! The prison held so much history, it was such an unreal feeling of walking through a place where so many criminals were held (over 1500 inmates were held at Alcatraz over the 29 years it was used as a penitentiary), where so many men tried to escape and launched into the freezing cold, shark infested waters in a bid to escape - just an unbelievable tour! If you have time, Google Alcatraz as it truly has a remarkable history and story!

After arriving back on land, Tim and I took our jail bird sea legs down to the Marina and caught the bus that took us to the Golden Gate Bridge! My goodness, this bridge was amazing driving over it there were so many breath taking views of the SFO bay area, Alcatraz and the surrounding islands! They say that the cables used to hold the GG Bridge could wrap around the globe 6 times! That is a lot of cable! We stopped on the other end of the bridge and took some photos!

Getting back onto our tour bus, we got off at Lombard Street which is the world's steepest and most crooked street! Tim and I CLIMBED the 3 blocks leading to the crooked street - (again feeling the burn) for some photo ops, and then headed down the very steep hill as we walked back to our hotel!

Once the sun was starting to fade, Tim and I walked up Columbus street to an area called Little Italy (about 7-8 blocks) to this quaint and gorgeous Italian restaurant called "The Stinking Rose" which is a restaurant that is all about... GARLIC! Seriously, this place "Season's its garlic with food" - this place is worth a mention! The food was incredible probably the best meal I have had in America so far! And after dinner we walked into the City Lights bookstore and publisher! It was 4 stories of books - but not main stream books, like very intellectual, thought provoking, random books! The place smells like the pages of an old library book - musty and garlic (oh wait, that's me!) This place was full of character! 

Walking back to our hotel, our legs were just aching! I think we have had enough walking for one day but it's an indication of the incredible places we have been today and things we have seen! I think I too will be leaving my heart in San Francisco!

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