Thursday 9 June 2011

Oh my, it's one of the seven wonders!

We were picked up from our hotel at 5:50am and boarded a double Decker coach to Arizona to see the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon!

Our first stop was at the Hoover Dam which took approximately 45 mins from Nevada to the actual dam itself. We were able to watch a 40 min history documentary about the construction of the dam and its purpose. In 2010 a new bridge which stands extremely high above the dam itself was opened and we had an opportunity to take photos of the bridge and also the dam itself.
From this point we made the journey through the desert to Arizona to see the Canyon, stopping off at this random rest place to use the restroom and buy some snacks! The walls of this place were covered in animal heads, rattle snake skin and pictures of chilli and tumble weeds... part of the charm really!

When turning off to the canyon, we had to get on board a smaller bus which took us over 25 miles of dirt road through the Joshua tree national park. Arriving at the canyon itself, we were informed of the 3 destinations we were about to see over the course of the day, the first one being Eagle Point which consisted of the Skywalk! Oh my, if you have never heard of the Grand Canyon skywalk, look it up on Google, as it is amazing! We both walked across it and it was incredibly scary! Tim was more adventurous than me, he could walk on the glass, but I was happy to stay on the edges and hold the railing, very tightly! That's another thing I got from my mama - my slight fear of heights!
The next stop was at Guano Point which was basically a giant red mound made up of shale rocks. Tim and I climbed up most of it, and then he continued on to the top. I was wearing flip flops which really weren't stable climbing shoes! We managed to get some amazing shots!

The last stop was Hualapai (pronounced Walla pie) Ranch which is that that is owned by the Hualapai Native American tribe. We stopped in for some lunch, a typical cowboy feast of roast chicken, pork ribs, mashed potato and gravy, coleslaw, corn bread, and fresh squeezed lemonade! After lunch we walked through the ranch and engaged in some very cowboy-ish activities - hatchet throwing and shooting each other with real guns and no bullets! Most of the people on the ranch rode horses, had no teeth, talked with a twang, and carried guns.. only in America!

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